Welcome to My Blog!

Hi! Welcome to my blog!

I’ve been wanting to start one for a while now, and the quarantine in 2020 just felt like the perfect opportunity!

Anyways, as a quick introduction, my name is Jeffrey and I am an undergraduate student at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, majoring in Electrical and Computer Engineering. Before university, I grew up in Hong Kong and attended an international school there. I love teaching, music, and watching and playing sports. I grew up playing hockey (if you’re curious check out This game from college, This game from high school, and a random article), tennis, and, more recently, golf.

My main objective with this blog is to write about interesting ideas that I have learned in school or through projects, and also share stories, experiences, and milestones that I’ve had as an undergraduate international student and beyond. Naturally, there will also be random posts about a variety of other topics that I want to write thoughts down about, but I’ll try to keep those to just big events, like if Nail Yakupov makes his triumphant return to the NHL. But for the most part, I’ll try to keep my posts focused on instructive academic content, and personal events.

Here’s to a long and lasting blog!


Written on August 17, 2020